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This is a pretty good trick, actually, as for all intents and purposes, it's the exact same game as its predecessor. You'll have to look close before you'll be able to tell one from the other, and even then the disparities are often subtle. And just as good a use of your valuable time. NBA Live just isn't a rewarding game. Both veterans of the long-running series and newcomers will pick out more and more irritating flaws as the number of games played begins to mount.

Downlosd though the NBA Live brand name has been around for going on a decade now, подробнее на этой странице never quite captured basketball as well as it could, or as well as some of the early efforts 2001 pc games free download.

Last year's gxmes was arguably the best ever, though, a fact that magnifies the shortcomings of the new game and makes one think that some sort of opportunity has been squandered here. Gameplay issues, many of посмотреть еще were rectified or seemingly on the way 4 hazel street mount isa free being rectified last year, strike the gamer like a Karl Malone forearm to the face right after the tip-off.

The NBA Live series has always featured slightly wonky player movement more akin to boots on ice than sneakers on parquet.

Last year's game introduced some refinements to this ongoing problem. This year's bames takes us almost back to square one. It's as easy as it ever was to unintentionally go out of bounds or simply lose control of your player and the ball dowjload a moment or two.

There's just an awkwardness to all motion that makes it difficult to really get into the action and really feel like you're taking part in a basketball game. From showtime with the Answer to hitting the playground with Vince and Julius. Computer AI seems dumbed down. The PC drops the ball in virtually every area. Substitutions make no saras cooking class for pc at all - be sure and turn off auto-substitution immediately.

My starting point guard Steve Nash once took a foul five minutes into the first quarter and didn't return until the third. Thankfully, the CPU is just as hard on itself. The computer's Shaquille O'Neal once vanished from a gaames contest with seven minutes to go and never returned. These are isolated incidents, but similar ones happen consistently through each and every game. All CPU-controlled teams employ a standard, dishwater dull offensive scheme 2001 pc games free download emphasizes ball control.

Conservative is the watchword here. You'll want to scream after a few games of seeing your adversaries do nothing but walk the ball up court, over and over again, in all circumstances. The lineup, gzmes score, the time odwnload on the clocknone of this seems to matter a whit. I've seen the computer lazily in-bound the ball, then wander up the court and not even get a shot off in the dying seconds of a two-point game.

Needless to say, witnessing something like this can destroy all of the preceding gxmes. Situational play also doesn't seem downllad get in the way of the computer's preset game plan. Hang back on killers like Kobe Bryant and Allen Iverson and they'll usually just sit there, idly dribbling and waiting for the shot clock to tick down to five or six seconds before attempting to score.

This dreary pace seems to have been implemented to keep scoring down. You can now play a full 48 minute game and end up with final tallies gamse are dead-on duplicates of what you'll see on ESPN Sportscenter. In the short season I just wrapped up 2001 pc games free download my redrafted LA Lakers, I never once gamee more than points. However, I did count around yawns per game, so keep in mind that there's some trade off here for statistical accuracy. Rebounding is another serious issue.

In many ways it's almost a game eownload, since even the most patient gamer is likely to be driven momentarily mad by it on occasion. Well, simply ganes, rebounding doesn't work. The ball comes off disney plus for windows 10 rim and 2001 pc games free download board at weird angles. You really can't predict where it will end up, gree that you're best off giving up on boxing out opponents and just jumping in a randon direction gamed moment after the shot is released.

Even then, the opposition will come away with the ball most of the time because your computer-controlled players tend to just stand around and ;c at it. While all enemy players in the vicinity madly scramble вас nero free download windows 10 greek разделяю corral the loose ball, downlooad typically all on your own. This supremely annoying problem caused me to walk away from my gamepad more than once in the past few days.

There's nothing as cool 2001 pc games free download setting up a game with classic rosters. There is also a scripted feel to most games.

Even with the catch-up logic switched off, the CPU still manages to go 2001 pc games free download improbable runs. Your team will downkoad hit cold frse that, while somewhat realistic, seem planned and somehow forced.

There's no real sense of being rewarded for a good play all the time. Hit a dry run, and you just know that you're going to 2001 pc games free download that wide-open jumper from the low post, or that easy tip-in from right under the basket. Miracle shots from the computer tend to swish a lot more often than they should.

I'm all for fairy tale endings, but I 2001 pc games free download, ever again want to see Bob Cousy score a one-handed three-pointer from center court with 0. There are only so many gamepads in the world, y'know. While all the big ticket itemssuch as season Franchise mode, Internet play and EA Sports match-up support, the one-on-one playground 2001 pc games free download, and the inclusion of classic players such as Michael Jordan, Jerry West, and Larry Birdare back for another kick at the can, a number of features have been mysteriously pulled this year.

In-game saving is perhaps the most noteworthy victim. This absolute necessityparticularly for downlooad who enjoy playing full minute quartershas been excised for reasons unknown, so pray that you don't get called away when your Grizzlies are on the verge of upsetting the 2001 pc games free download. EA Sports doesn't skimp on the presentation. This is the best-looking NBA Live title ever released, though the differences are becoming more and more subtle as the years go 2001 pc games free download and the evolution of 2001 pc games free download power seems to plateau.

The источник статьи and stadium graphics and animations are spectacular, and players like Shaq, vree Answer, and the Mailman look like they stepped from the court to your monitor. This is one of those showcase titles that you want to show off to your dad, 2001 pc games free download girlfriend, to the guy next door, etc.

Audio isn't quite up to speed, mostly because of the lame play-by-play provided by Don Poirer and Bob Elliott. Both repeat themselves over and over again. I'd be hearing Poirer's "Count it! Interplay between the players is just about perfect, though. Protesting calls and giving props for good plays at the free throw line adds a nice touch of realism to the proceedings. The soundtrack is also excellent, once again boasting a great selection of hip-hop and rap tunes.

For all its warts, NBA Live isn't an unenjoyable gamebut it is a very unfulfilling one. Those who've followed the series in years past can't help but ссылка на продолжение disappointed. There aren't any serious advancements, and it's 200 that a number of steps have been taken backwards.

Some important features have even been pulled. Newcomers would be best off heading to the bargain bin and digging around for a copy of NBA Live It's a better game, and you'll save enough money to freee yourself to a taco or two in the food court on your doenload out of the mall.

Screenshots from MobyGames. I have WinXP Professional. MG 1 point. 2001 pc games free download think I had your black screen issue when I installed 2001 pc games free download game on other PC's I own, with different operating systems. What OS are you game You could look for a patch? Try a crack? Update your graphics card if needed? Try compatibility mode on the game exe Lower resolution Gamee the game folder is a 3d set up file.

You can change from d3d to glide. With this try glide wrapper or dxwind. Two programme wrappers ga,es you can google and download. Read instructions and try to see if they will help you run the game. Jlnhlfan fgee point. MG 200 point. For the corrupt player, fan and stadium graphics, try this. Jlnhlfan -1 point. Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentations when possible.

If 2001 pc games free download manual is missing and you own the original manual, please contact us! MyAbandonware More than old games to download for free!

Browse By Download Fownload. Okay, It's Just Getting Older Gameplay issues, many of which were rectified перейти seemingly on the way to being rectified last year, strike the gamer like a Karl Malone forearm to the face right after the tip-off.

And Maybe a Little Sleepy Rebounding is 2001 pc games free download serious issue. Zzzzzzzzz EA Sports doesn't skimp on the presentation. Wake up For all its warts, NBA Live isn't an unenjoyable gamebut it is a fere unfulfilling one. Review By GamesDomain. Captures and Snapshots Windows.


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